8 July 2012

Starfish Glasses

Heya Jammers! (Sorry for posting EXTREMELY late-we're on vacation) Anyway, AJ may be getting a hint (about making more non-human stuffz):

I think they are REALLY cute, but if you wear starfishes on your eyes, won't they suck them out (ewww I know-random). What i'm trying to say is that glasses are supposed to have lenses. That is really it for today, again sorry for posting a little (more like a lot) later-cya tomorrow! (Poll update: Jammer of the MOnth is still in the lead if you are rooting for something else-HIT DAT VOTE BUTTON!)


  1. COOL! :) I check your blog almost everyday now :3

    1. Well then, keep on a-veiwin'! Because your one of the best ppl who encourage me on my blog(I see a Jammer of the Month!)
